The Politics Test
You are a Social Moderate (41% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (13% permissive) You are best described as a: |
Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not.
You are a Social Moderate (41% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (13% permissive) You are best described as a: |
FEUDALISM: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.
PURE SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need.
BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and as many eggs as the regulations say you should need.
FINNISH SOCIALISM: You have two cows. Soon you have to kill one of them because in the Netherlands there is an overproduction of milk and the European Union rules say so. When you do so, you realize that it was not necessary, only the system was too slow in getting you the up-to-date news. From the stress, you get an ulcer in your stomach so you go to a doctor. The doctor realizes that this ulcer is a serious one, so you need an urgent treatment. Therefore, you soon get a call to the local hospital. The call's date is for 3 months later, because there is a queue with more urgent cases. Then your ulcer becomes even more serious because you remember that 40 percent of your income is taken for social tax.
FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them, and sells you the milk.
TOTALITARIANISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and denies they ever existed. Milk is banned.
DICTATORSHIP: You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.
PURE COMMUNISM: You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk.
RUSSIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk.
MILITARIANISM: You have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you.
PURE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors decide who gets the milk.
REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors pick someone to tell you who gets the milk.
AMERICAN DEMOCRACY: The government promises to give you two cows if you vote for it. After the election, the president is impeached for speculating in cow futures. The press dubs the affair "Cowgate".
BRITISH DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. You feed them sheep's brains and they go mad. The government doesn't do anything.
JAPANESE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. You give the milk to gangsters so they don't ask any awkward questions about who you're giving the milk to.
EASTERN EUROPEAN DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. You sell the milk (diluted with some water) at a high price to the neighbors or to anyone at the open-air market. If somebody asks for receipt, you charge them a price twice as high, so nobody will request an invoice. For concerned families with small babies you claim that the milk is "bio", though you collect the grass for feeding at the side of the highway and you keep the milk in plastic barrels used previously as containers of dangerous chemicals. Later, your neighbor or anybody from town will steal the cows and you will buy their meat for a high price, and if you ask for a receipt, you will be charged for a price twice as high.
SINGAPORE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. The government fines you for keeping two unlicensed animals in an apartment.
BUREAUCRACY: You have two cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. After that it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows.
EUROPEAN FEDERALISM: You have two cows which cost too much money to care for because everybody is buying milk imported from some cheap east-European country and would never pay the fortune you'd have to ask for your cows' milk. So you apply for financial aid from the European Union to subsidise your cows and are granted enough subsidies. You then sell your milk at the former elevated price to some government-owned distributor which then dumps your milk onto the market at east-European prices to make Europe competitive. You spend the money you got as a subsidy on two new cows and then go on a demonstration to Brussels complaining that the European farm-policy is going drive you out of your job.
CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
HONG KONG CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax deduction for keeping five cows. The milk rights of six cows are transferred via a Panamanian intermediary to a Cayman Islands company secretly owned by the majority shareholder, who sells the rights to all seven cows' milk back to the listed company. The annual report says that the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. Meanwhile, you kill the two cows because the Feng Shui is bad.
FEMINISM: You have two cows. They get married and adopt a veal calf.
POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: You are associated with (the concept of "ownership" is a symbol of the phallo-centric, war-mongering, intolerant past) two differently-aged (but no less valuable to society) bovines of non-specified gender.
SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.
It is not easy to make history in just 92 words, but Canada accomplished that feat in 1985 when Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms came into force. It marked a milestone in Canada’s evolution as a nation by making equality rights a permanent part of our constitution. Section 15 has guided our lawmakers in creating laws that are just, and has helped ensure that everyone in Canada has the right to be free from discrimination.
Section 15 was never meant to be simply a symbol. It was intended as a working tool to ingrain equality in every aspect of Canadian life. Pierre Elliott Trudeau set out the challenge more than two decades ago, when he said: “We must now establish the basic principles, the basic values and beliefs which hold us together as Canadians so that beyond our regional loyalties, there is a way of life and a system of values which make us proud of the country that has given us such freedom and such immeasurable joy.” Ultimately, Section 15 – like the rest of the Charter – is part of our shared identity. It unites us in defining the society we wish to be. Equality, clearly, is less a destination than a journey and will continue to guide Canada’s progress toward the goal of achieving a truly just society.
--------------------"I am leaving this legacy to all of you ... to bring peace, justice, equality, love and a fulfillment of what our lives should be. Without vision, the people will perish, and without courage and inspiration, dreams will die — the dream of freedom and peace."-- Rosa Parks (1913-2005)
A convicted murderer says the Devil made him do it — but he wants God to pay for his sins. The inmate, a Romanian identified only as Pavel M., is suing God for failing to save him from Satan. Pavel says when he was baptized as a child, he was in fact making a pact with God that was supposed to protect him from all evil and keep him out of trouble. "God received ... valuables from me, as well as prayers in exchange for promises of a better life," he notes in his lawsuit. "In reality, this did not happen — I found myself in the devil's hands."--------------------
Pavel, who's serving 20 years in the Timisoara jail in western Romania, has fingered the Romanian Orthodox Church as God's direct representative here on Earth. And he says it's the church that should be forced to compensate him for the God-inflicted damage wrought by His alleged crimes: "Cheating, concealment, abuse against people's interest, taking bribe and traffic of influence."
Pavel's complaint was sent to the Timisoara Court of Justice and forwarded to the prosecutor's office. But court officials say the suit will likely be dropped because the defendant — identified as "God, resident in Heaven" — is neither an individual nor a company, and therefore not subject to a civil court's jurisdiction.
And besides, they could have difficulty delivering the subpoena.
"It has come to our attention that while you are documented as a casual employee, you have not worked any hours within the last three (3) months. As we do not anticipate any possibility of work hours becoming available in the foreseeable future, we will be removing you from our Bank records, effective Oct. 31, 2005."
-- letter from GTAS Regional Office
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere
I want it more than I can tell
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more then they've got planned
The invective is frightening, to say the least, because the more one side accuses the other of being dogmatic, the more they themselves demonstrate the inherent dogmatism of their own position. Is this what enlightened conversation is about?--------------------
Again, speaking from my personal experience as one of Mr. Giza's former students, I took everything that was taught me with a grain of salt. I went on to study philosophy in university, and exposed myself to all sorts of ideas and modes of reasoning. Anyone who's even had an inkling of training in the philosophy of science knows that even the scientific method is subject to criticism. The only definitive conclusion I've come away with is this: we as human beings are in no position to claim any sense of certitude about our knowledge, because by our very nature we are limited to seeing things from an all-too-human perspective. Much of this conversation smacks of nothing but hubris.
I daresay that few, if any, of those readers engaging in this fundamentalist anti-fundamentalism themselves understand all that's implicated by the science that they've elevated to this pedestal. How many are taking for granted the things that scientists (as if they were a homogenuous group themselves) are teaching, without themselves examining the basis of those conclusions?
I'm not a deist, but I'm in no more position to tell someone what not to believe as I would be in telling them what to believe. I can't say whether there is or isn't a higher being, any more than anyone in this conversation can. So let's stop talking as if we could or had the means by our humanly-created scientific method to decide something that, by definition, isn't a scientific question. More importantly, if we can't agree to disagree, let's at least be more respectful in our tone.
One afternoon a wealthy lawyer was riding in his shiny limousine when he saw two men on the side of the road eating grass. Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate. He asked one man, "Why are you eating grass?" The poor man replied, "We have no money for food. We HAVE TO eat grass."
Shocked, the lawyer said, "Well, you can come to my house and I'll feed you!"
"But sir, I have a wife and two kids with me. They are over there, under that tree."
"Bring them along!" Turning to the other poor man he said, "You come with us, too."
The second man said, "But sir, I also have a wife and SIX children with me!"
"Bring them all!" the lawyer answered. They all jammed into the huge limo. Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the lawyer and said, "Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you."
Genuinely touched, the lawyer replied, "Glad to do it. You'll really love my place; the grass is almost a foot high!"
A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it, so don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.
A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.
A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine, that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain. Bottoms up!
A: Well, if you have a body and you have body fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc.
A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No Pain ... Good!
A: YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!!!. Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In
fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?
A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only
be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.
A: Are you crazy? HELLO ...... Cocoa beans .... another vegetable!!! It's the
best feel-good food around!
A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.
Bob Giza is the teacher every parent prays her kid will have in high school. A torrent of energy and inspiration. A dynamo of community activism. An educator given awards by his peers for his teaching skills in and out of the classroom. But here is the thing about Mr. Giza, 58, head of science at Chaminade College School, an all-boys Roman Catholic high school in suburban North York: The students taught biology by him more than likely learned that intelligent design offers a more complete explanation than unalloyed Darwinian evolution for the origins and development of planetary life.
"Take the eyeball," he said a couple of days ago, his fit, lanky frame sprawled in a chair. "How did the eyeball develop? How do you make an eyeball from no eyeball? Three-quarters of an eyeball is no good. There are things the experts can't answer."
He says it's not the micros of evolution that concern him, it's the macros -- how the eyeball came to be; how life got going. The eyeball, he explained, is an example of what intelligent-design proponents call "irreducible complexity." Meaning it has God's fingerprints on it, God's hands reaching into the wet clay of life. It didn't develop through Darwinian random genetic mutation.
In the United States, teaching intelligent design in the schools has politicians, educators, parents and the media immersed in a cauldron of controversy and conflict. But in a Toronto publicly funded high school, Bob Giza teaches intelligent design alongside evolution sans fuss, politicians' polemics or outraged parents.
Chaos reigns within.
Reflect, repent, and reboot.
Order shall return.
Program aborting
Close all that you have worked on.
You ask far too much.
Windows NT crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.
Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.
Your file was so big.
It might be very useful.
But now it is gone.
Stay the patient course.
Of little worth is your ire.
The network is down.
A crash reduces
Your expensive computer
To a simple stone.
Three things are certain
Death, taxes and lost data.
Guess which has occurred.
You step in the stream,
But the water has moved on.
This page is not here.
Out of memory.
We wish to hold the whole sky,
But we never will.
Having been erased,
The document you're seeking
Must now be retyped.
Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.
I ate your Web page.
Forgive me; it was tasty
And tart on my tongue