sliced bread #2

Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

letter of the day

I am sure that all the Canadians who have managed to get out of Lebanon must be heaving sighs of relief that they are on their way back home to safety. But the media have been full of reports showing angry and tired people who feel that our government has not done enough to get them out of Lebanon.

Unfortunately, their comments irritate and anger many of us, so I would like to voice a few questions that I have heard many times over the past several days. First, did the Canadian government force you to go to Lebanon? Second, has our government ever had to arrange such a huge evacuation? Third, of course you were tired and frightened when you arrived in a safer place, but did you have to show such vehemence and animosity toward those who were trying to get you out of that dangerous war-torn country? Fourth, do you really believe that this is a simple exercise for our government and armed forces?

My husband was fortunate enough to escape from Hungary during the 1956 Revolution. He was sent to England for several months, and then was given passage to Canada. Without much understanding of the English language, he had to sit on the floor for three days in an English airport before boarding a plane that took 24 hours to bring him, along with many other Hungarian refugees, to Canada. They were not given food, water, or anything else, but they did not complain because they were grateful that our nation was willing to help them.

Of course, gratitude is a feeling that appears to be missing in most of the scenarios we see playing out before us today. Co-ordinating this huge exodus would not be easy at the best of times, but it is a huge undertaking when bombs might be dropped on any of the ships that have been sent to help with the rescue.

So instead of complaining, be grateful that you, at least, made it out, and if you have other family members who are still waiting to be rescued, thank God for the fact that they are still alive. Many people are not. On behalf of many ordinary citizens, I would like to commend our federal government for its efforts to rescue stranded Canadians in Lebanon.

— Claudine Goller, Toronto Star (2006/07/21)


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