Bob Giza and "Intelligent Design Theory"
I posted the following comment online after reading the article in the Globe and Mail.
First, I want to commend the Globe and Mail for recognizing CCS and Mr. Giza. As an alumnus of the school (I graduated the year after Steve Vona, and took Gr. 11 biology with him), it gives me great pride to know that my alma mater is part of this important debate. For people who have been questioning Bob's expertise and teaching capabilities, I'll only say this: tell me how many highschool teachers can cogently and coherently explain the Krebs Acid Cycle to Gr. 12 students, and more importantly, without boring them to death.
That being said, I think the important thing that Mr. Giza is doing is encouraging his students to think about these issues on a deeper philosophical level and not just going through science education mechanically. Whether or not intelligent design is a cogent theory is irrelevant -- that will or will not be borne out by the continuing work of science. It's important that educators of young minds impress upon them early on that there are different ways to conceptualize the world.
All this invective flies in the face of the so-called "marketplace of ideas" that our society holds dear. The fact is, there is no conclusive proof to support either complete atheism or intelligent design in conceptualizing evolution, and probably never will be. Both camps are just convinced of one thing: their conception "just is", but there are simply too many limitations on human episteme for anyone to say that they have the monopoly on "truth."
Finally, anyone who says they can separate their scientific and religious beliefs is probably being disingenuous, or hasn't truly examined the implications of their beliefs. Mr. Giza is only doing what most rational human beings try to do: he's trying to find a way to reconcile the different belief systems that he is committed to. It's an exercise that everyone should take on, if only to realize the complexity of the various modes of human thought.
Bob Giza is the teacher every parent prays her kid will have in high school. A torrent of energy and inspiration. A dynamo of community activism. An educator given awards by his peers for his teaching skills in and out of the classroom. But here is the thing about Mr. Giza, 58, head of science at Chaminade College School, an all-boys Roman Catholic high school in suburban North York: The students taught biology by him more than likely learned that intelligent design offers a more complete explanation than unalloyed Darwinian evolution for the origins and development of planetary life.
"Take the eyeball," he said a couple of days ago, his fit, lanky frame sprawled in a chair. "How did the eyeball develop? How do you make an eyeball from no eyeball? Three-quarters of an eyeball is no good. There are things the experts can't answer."
He says it's not the micros of evolution that concern him, it's the macros -- how the eyeball came to be; how life got going. The eyeball, he explained, is an example of what intelligent-design proponents call "irreducible complexity." Meaning it has God's fingerprints on it, God's hands reaching into the wet clay of life. It didn't develop through Darwinian random genetic mutation.
In the United States, teaching intelligent design in the schools has politicians, educators, parents and the media immersed in a cauldron of controversy and conflict. But in a Toronto publicly funded high school, Bob Giza teaches intelligent design alongside evolution sans fuss, politicians' polemics or outraged parents.
I posted the following comment online after reading the article in the Globe and Mail.
First, I want to commend the Globe and Mail for recognizing CCS and Mr. Giza. As an alumnus of the school (I graduated the year after Steve Vona, and took Gr. 11 biology with him), it gives me great pride to know that my alma mater is part of this important debate. For people who have been questioning Bob's expertise and teaching capabilities, I'll only say this: tell me how many highschool teachers can cogently and coherently explain the Krebs Acid Cycle to Gr. 12 students, and more importantly, without boring them to death.
That being said, I think the important thing that Mr. Giza is doing is encouraging his students to think about these issues on a deeper philosophical level and not just going through science education mechanically. Whether or not intelligent design is a cogent theory is irrelevant -- that will or will not be borne out by the continuing work of science. It's important that educators of young minds impress upon them early on that there are different ways to conceptualize the world.
All this invective flies in the face of the so-called "marketplace of ideas" that our society holds dear. The fact is, there is no conclusive proof to support either complete atheism or intelligent design in conceptualizing evolution, and probably never will be. Both camps are just convinced of one thing: their conception "just is", but there are simply too many limitations on human episteme for anyone to say that they have the monopoly on "truth."
Finally, anyone who says they can separate their scientific and religious beliefs is probably being disingenuous, or hasn't truly examined the implications of their beliefs. Mr. Giza is only doing what most rational human beings try to do: he's trying to find a way to reconcile the different belief systems that he is committed to. It's an exercise that everyone should take on, if only to realize the complexity of the various modes of human thought.
At 1:23 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
Hi my name is Leo Monaco. I am currently a grade 12 student attending Chaminade College School where Mr. Bob Giza is my physics teacher. He explains both sides of this controversy. I have learned what Darwinism teaches and what Intelligent Design teaches. I have also done what Mr. Giza suggested and researched this topic a bit myself. I want it to be clear that Mr. Giza wants us to have our own opinion on the matter. In saying that, however, I must say that I agree with Intelligent Design. More importantly, I also agree with the fact that he can explain both sides of the argument. It is our right to explore all sides of an argument; we are a growing people and are destined to explore. Moreover, Darwin himself said that when someone can find even one example that his theory is wrong, then his whole theory must be thrown out. Well ... I say that Intelligent Design has proved him wrong. I applaud Mr. Giza for his efforts on teaching his students both sides of this controversial issue.
At 12:13 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
This really is an interesting matter, it actually has me searching through the net at the moment. I too attend Chaminade where Mr.Giza is currently teaching our class (grade 10). I hope to be able to take his class in following years so that i may learn more about "Darwinism","Intelligent Deign" and other things he may have to offer.
At 11:36 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Well, if mister Geezza's theory has proven Darwins wrong, then why hasnt he written a paper on it? or won a Nobel for his findings? or even pursued his opinion? interesting how burnt out students who have eventually become highschool teachers use controversy as a catalyst to promote free-thinking among students. Not that free thinking is bad, i very much promote it myself.
Obviously mister monaco does not understand that the so-called "democracy" that we live in is controlled by those in power and continually handed over to a select few, being kept in a thight circle. the "sense" of freedom we all experience is what keeps us in check, and keeps the powerful powerful.
If mister geezaa had acctually persued his theories, he certianly would not be teaching a bunch of highschoolers. the only good mister geezaa produces is in the proper presentation of an idea being view from both sides of an argument.
Moreover, Catholisim was verymuch MIS-INTERPRETED! Juadism was a religion that controlled a population, like a dictatorship. Jesus came and slammed this fact that clerics held such a grasp over a population of ignorant proletariats. Unfortunately, Jesus was murdered because of the preching of his anti-jewish beliefs. Hence for came Christainity; a religion created from the ashes of martyr.
Religion is the OPIATE of the masses. All it is, is a type of control, a hirarchy of bull, to keep the ignorant stupid. LOOK AT THE USA! where the bond of state and religion keep those Texans mighty dumb!
Me, i promote spirituality. The belief of a direct link to a higher power or supreme being. this being does not keep me between a rock and a hard place. as being master of my own cognative domain, i am able to make my own decisions BASED ON EXPIERENCE, rather than religious background that is sooooo old, did it even happen? and if so, please prove ME wrong!
At 11:56 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Its very simple yet people make this very complicated and make it twisted without realizing that that there is a logicial reason behind everything. Nothing happens by luck. Luck doesn't exist. An intelligent design must have an intelligent designer. There is no possible way of getting something out of nothing. Getting something out of nothing defies all laws of science.Maybe its God, who knows, we would have to back to the time when all matter was concentrated into one tiny dot which later became the big bang. Mr. Giza proves to be quite an asset to the scientific community and he continues to encourage and iniate interests in the hardcore sciences. I had him as a Gr.9 Science techer and I have him right now for Gr.11 Physics
At 9:07 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Reggie, Monaco, no. Intellegigent design is just bad science. Saying that a great omnipotent power magically designed things as they are raises more questions than it answers. The most obvious of this one being "Well how was that god made?"
The point is that he should limit himself to teaching science, not opions, and not thirty minute stories about his fishing buddies (anyone who was taught by him will understand the last bit).
At 6:09 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I wish that mr. giza would concentrate less on intelligent design and more on Physics. Sometimes I really feel that he has no clue what he is talking about
At 5:15 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
This is not "Geezza's" theory, i think he just simply believes this to be the answer behind... BLAH BLAH...
Personally my views on this have greatly changed, as I still believe in some "greater power", I do not believe it to have had anything to do with bringing us here. As people say there is no way it was chance, I believe there might have been, If Intelligent design was really behind it all Why are there so many lifeless planets (actual beings not like gay bacteria) instead of all planets being able to hold life.
Anywho, my views on everything are completely scattered and I have much to learn still.
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