sliced bread #2

Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

going back in time...


this is gonna be really strange...i'm setting the stage for what will be my first "official" entry by going back to the, officially, this journal is birthed on november 7th... but its story starts today...i would've never been prompted to write this if it wasn't for *him*...g-d only knows i've exposed enough ppl to my rambling on a day-to-day basis...but really, this has been spurred because of the need to vent about the particular the back of my mind, i'm hoping that this journal will be more productive in the future...right now, it's a form of therapy (and maybe some nostalgia) to go through this as i said, i met *him* on this day... or something like that...i just know it was this weekend that our paths crossed...i fell in "like" with him at once...little did i know the ride i'd be on for the next 3 months...


Current Mood: indescribable
Current Music: John Mayer -- Your Body is a Wonderland