time well spent (où "des temps bien dépensés")

je déteste l'hîver et le froid...
pardonnez-moi mon français terrible, mais je dois écrirer cette histoire en français pour un cher ami... ryan est l'ami que j'ai ésperé quand nous rencontrions qui étiait mon beau... mais, le destin avait des plans autres... alors, nous sommes devenus des amis meilleures, en partie à cause de notre amour mutuel pour tout de choses français... c'est pourquoi je veux parler en français maintentant quoique ne savoir pas beaucoup... je ne sais pas pourquoi c'est le première temps que j'écrire de ryan... il est vraiment un de mes personnes favorites quoique nous avons beacoups de differences... ce soir, nous avions le dîner et exchangés des cadeaux... c'était une date désirent ardemment longtemps, et des temps bien dépensés... j'adore monsieur mcneil et j'éspère que nous resterons le meilleur des amis pour longtemps...
ok, so now that i've butchered one of the most beautiful languages in the world, it's time for me to hack out an entry in english... it's cold and it's miserable today, and that would have been the general tone of today's rant except for 2 things... one was the fact that i got to spend time with ryan... the other was the perspective i received on my day out as a volunteer for second harvest... complaints of the cold and whining about the snow seem so juvenile in light of having encountered people who are simply grateful for whatever blessings life is throwing their way... i had wanted to put my money where my mouth is and do something worthwhile for the holiday season... so there i went, hauling trays and boxes of surplus food to be donated to various agencies, all the while thinking "what an incredibly wasteful society we have"... why is it that 90% of the world's resources are consumed by only 10% of its population (or whatever the disproportionate statistics are)? why is it that so much food goes to waste every day when there are millions starving throughout the world? how is it that even in an affluent society like ours there can still be hunger and poverty?
i'm not usually one for rhetoric (ok, maybe a tad), but it boggles my mind that such juxtapositions can exist... much like this entry, i suppose... or this entire blog for that matter... these rants admittedly run the gamut from the mundane to the sublime... but i can't help but think about, esp. during this time of year, the things one ought to be truly thankful for: having the basic necessities of life (i.e. food, clothing, and shelter) -- not to mention being blessed in countless other ways -- and being given the opportunity to share those blessings with great friends and the world in general...
Current mood: grateful
Current music: Little Drummer Boy
At 10:56 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
wow what a great translation!
makes me think who should be going to McGill instead. actually my mother wants me to go to Osgoode! lol
pauly, what can i say... yesterday i have a wonderful time with you as well. im not going to ruin it by trying to put it in french, but i appreciate your attempts at helping me! and those god-foresaken pictures from when we met... i looked soo cute (what the hell happened!)... hahaha
I watched the Brit Gh DVD last night before bed... its actually really cool and the special features kept me up to the wee hours of the morning. once again thank you for a time well spent, as well as a thoughtful gift.
now buckle up that ceinture-orange, bust out the book of wisdom, and represent the great nation of Deutshland a la Hitler??? Nietzsche?
love you
p.s. dont forget to slide down my chimney tonight... i'll be waiting with one-eye open :P
anonymously, Ryan
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