laughter is the best medicine...

i suppose i'm really asking for it... despite having my first law school exams coming up next week (all worth 100%), i've still gone out this weekend... then again, how much studying can you really do before you go nuts? mind you, i'm nowhere near the point where i can claim insanity (or "mental disorder automatism", if you prefer), but i don't even want to test myself in that regard... i try in school, i wouldn't be where i am today if i didn't, but i'm not going to kill myself studying even if so much is riding on this (which everyone says isn't the case)... i just know myself and how frustrated my mind gets and what my threshold is for minutiae... and studying for exams is exactly that -- poring over excruciating minutiae...
so i went out (for the fourth weekend in a row, i think) with erick... if i didn't know any better, i wouldn't be surprised if people thought we were dating... again, life's funny like that... you get so close to someone that the thought of getting close in that regard becomes too weird to fathom... i adore erick to bits and i hope we will stay as close and good friends as we are now, but i've been through and gotten over my strong liking of him to the point now where we can go out and share all these experiences and have all these wicked conversations for hours and i don't even think twice about what it would all look like to someone else...
except, i guess, as i write this entry...
well, we had yet another fantastic saturday night out... before we got it all started, i took care of a "loose end" (no pun intended) by calling up my ex and arranging to meet (coincidentally, he was having dinner at the same place i took erick to a few weeks ago, and where we used to go ourselves)... i guess i was just in a happy mood from last night and i figured to take advantage of it and close that chapter... a lot of the early entries of this very young blog were dedicated to that situation, and this whole exercise was mostly prompted by a need to vent and achieve some catharsis... so i decided to call and just tell him straight up that there's no more hard feelings and i don't want to carry any grudges... no ifs or buts, just a simple extension of the olive branch... i've realized, however, that he's not really someone i can see myself as being friends with, although i'm not opposed to us hanging out when/where circumstances are appropriate... at this point, i'm happy to say it's over and done and i feel a lot better about not having to be bitter anymore...
from there, the night just got better and better... erick and i had dinner and went to a comedy club for our night out... i had tears streaming down my face at one point, it was just that funny... i won't deign to repeat any of the jokes here, as many of them were of the kind that "you had to be there", but suffice it to say that it was time (and money) well spent... the funny but good thing about going out with erick is that we're obliged to be creative about what we do because of his age, and yet we always have a great time when we're out... it's pretty cool to experience all these things with him and to realize that there are a ton of options on how to have fun on a saturday night without resorting to the tired formula of drinking and clubbing...
all in all, it was a fantastic weekend filled with good times.... laughter really is the best medicine, and it's great to get a dose... or even overdose...
Current mood: tired
Current music: Nek -- La Vida Es
i suppose i'm really asking for it... despite having my first law school exams coming up next week (all worth 100%), i've still gone out this weekend... then again, how much studying can you really do before you go nuts? mind you, i'm nowhere near the point where i can claim insanity (or "mental disorder automatism", if you prefer), but i don't even want to test myself in that regard... i try in school, i wouldn't be where i am today if i didn't, but i'm not going to kill myself studying even if so much is riding on this (which everyone says isn't the case)... i just know myself and how frustrated my mind gets and what my threshold is for minutiae... and studying for exams is exactly that -- poring over excruciating minutiae...
so i went out (for the fourth weekend in a row, i think) with erick... if i didn't know any better, i wouldn't be surprised if people thought we were dating... again, life's funny like that... you get so close to someone that the thought of getting close in that regard becomes too weird to fathom... i adore erick to bits and i hope we will stay as close and good friends as we are now, but i've been through and gotten over my strong liking of him to the point now where we can go out and share all these experiences and have all these wicked conversations for hours and i don't even think twice about what it would all look like to someone else...
except, i guess, as i write this entry...
well, we had yet another fantastic saturday night out... before we got it all started, i took care of a "loose end" (no pun intended) by calling up my ex and arranging to meet (coincidentally, he was having dinner at the same place i took erick to a few weeks ago, and where we used to go ourselves)... i guess i was just in a happy mood from last night and i figured to take advantage of it and close that chapter... a lot of the early entries of this very young blog were dedicated to that situation, and this whole exercise was mostly prompted by a need to vent and achieve some catharsis... so i decided to call and just tell him straight up that there's no more hard feelings and i don't want to carry any grudges... no ifs or buts, just a simple extension of the olive branch... i've realized, however, that he's not really someone i can see myself as being friends with, although i'm not opposed to us hanging out when/where circumstances are appropriate... at this point, i'm happy to say it's over and done and i feel a lot better about not having to be bitter anymore...
from there, the night just got better and better... erick and i had dinner and went to a comedy club for our night out... i had tears streaming down my face at one point, it was just that funny... i won't deign to repeat any of the jokes here, as many of them were of the kind that "you had to be there", but suffice it to say that it was time (and money) well spent... the funny but good thing about going out with erick is that we're obliged to be creative about what we do because of his age, and yet we always have a great time when we're out... it's pretty cool to experience all these things with him and to realize that there are a ton of options on how to have fun on a saturday night without resorting to the tired formula of drinking and clubbing...
all in all, it was a fantastic weekend filled with good times.... laughter really is the best medicine, and it's great to get a dose... or even overdose...
Current mood: tired
Current music: Nek -- La Vida Es
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