chaminade gryphons + mike

well, the first semester of law school is done, but the work certainly isn't... although i've been off for 2 days already, there's not gonna be much R&R during the "break"... which is all well and good, i've to stay ahead... or on top... or some other metaphor... the CILSC planning is working out really well... one of the main speakers we were hoping to get has signed on board, and with some help from contacts in high places, we'll probably be able to secure the others...
sometimes it's hard to balance priorities when you're trying to decide who you should be spending time with... we had our end-of-semester party scheduled tonight, but i didn't end up going cuz i wasn't sure who would attend (that i knew)... probably a bad move considering it was the first such gathering since orientation, but i couldn't be bothered at the same time... i don't mind my law school colleagues at all, but i think i need a break from that kind of crowd for the time being... hopefully i'll be more comfortable with the law school crowd as time passes, but there's still a part of me that resists getting "caught up" in it...
so i opted to go out with some highschool buddies from the gryphon days... it's been a while since we've all been together (or rather, a while since i've been out with the whole group of them -- ironically, not since this blog's story started), although we still keep in touch every now and then... being with them reminds me not to take myself so seriously and stay in touch with my "roots", as it were... they're always great for a laugh, but they're also there when you need them... most of the time, anyway :P
the shopping and gift-wrapping was done in a day, i'm happy to say... although i think i'll take up a suggestion from one of my classmates and start giving gifts during the year instead of feeling panic-stricken during this season... i won't get into how much i dislike the consumerism of it all... but i would like to say thanks to tony danza for my present -- yes, it's true: boys *are* smelly and i *am* sorry to the girls ;)
Current mood: amused
Current music: Livio Leonardelli -- Men of Green and Gold
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