sliced bread #2

Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not.

Monday, November 08, 2004

blog... or b-log?


poe-tay-toe... poh-tah-toe...


is it bad to be honest? can one be too honest?

should someone really be writing all this and posting it for the world to see? i look at it this way: "what have i got to hide?" my life is an open book anyway, so it makes no difference to me...

and, well, if the idea of this is therapy and catharsis, can that be accomplished by holding back? why shouldn't i be honest about my thoughts and feelings, esp. to myself, for whom this journal is written?

but then, if it's for myself... why is it online? am i doing nothing more than seeking approval and confirmation?

or maybe... just maybe... this is how we come to understand each other... human qua human... instead of reading between the lines... maybe, for once, someone can just read the lines?

on the other hand, should i be concerned that certain ramblings will expose private details about others? how much of my thoughts are mine? and what, if anything, do i owe those about whom these thoughts are concerned?

am i being malicious in what i'm sharing? am i being more honest than i need to be? if what i write will give a negative impression about someone, should i continue writing? or is that impression formed by the reader (whomever it may be) about what is (or should be) "objective" narrative?

these are my subjective thoughts... so i can't claim neutrality...

at the same time, i'll always be fair and give people the benefit of the doubt...

more importantly, this isn't a forum to debase or demean anyone... my thoughts, if they've come across as negative, reflect my current state of mind... it doesn't mean i'm a negative person overall... far from it, in fact...

lurid details about mine or anyone else's activities will never surface here... what ppl know about the stories beneath the stories comes from my sharing through other media...

and as far as being too honest for my own good?

i don't think there is such a thing...

there isn't a side of me that i don't think ppl should be exposed to... of course, i'm not perfect... i don't pretend to be... but i think this is where personal integrity and character comes in... i'm consistent through and through, and there's nothing i'll say or do that i won't own up to in the future...



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