sliced bread #2

Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not.

Friday, December 31, 2004

regrets, i've had a few... but then again...


today (or tomorrow, depending on your preference) is usually the day people set aside to contemplate the happenings of the previous year and to re-evaluate one's direction and establish goals for the following 12-month cycle... of course, the level of introspection varies from the sublime to the mundane, but overall, it's accepted that one would have various "resolutions" to act on... the etymology of the word befuddles me... "resolution" is the noun aspect of the verb "resolve", i.e. to literally "solve again"... doesn't this bring up the all important follow-up: why are we trying to "solve again" those problems/issues/conundrums which we, if intentions are to be any correct gauge of effort, should have already "solved" before? (of course, i'm being cheeky with definitions)...

but are we just doomed to continually repeat this (pardon the pun) cycle?

eternal dilemma indeed!

Shakespeare wrote that the fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves... being the pragmatic idealist that i am, i'll take this time to go through the usual self-assessment, but not so much to think about "resolutions", but to contemplate the positives and negatives of my character and life situation and, in so doing, make the most of the opportunities i've been given...


i regret the need i feel to always be surrounded by people... deep down, i very much value my space and my time to think, but i don't take enough advantage of such opportunities... more to the point, i regret that i can be burdened by the need for companionship, so much so that it sometimes destabilizes my priorities... being alone and being lonely are not the same thing, and i will definitely keep that in mind in the coming year...

Pragmatic Idealism:

i think too much for my own good... i contemplate things beyond my immediate sphere of influence... again, this can become debilitating to my focus... i hold some strong values and opinions about the world and society and morality and politics, but i need to remember that humanity and the universe extend far beyond my infinitesimal grasp, and i will change very little (if anything) in my lifetime, let alone over the next year...

Family and Friends:

i have as much support as anyone could need or want from friends and family... i believe my continuing challenge will be to make the effort to spend quality time with the important people in my life and to express in creative and genuine ways my appreciation for their presence in my life...

The Law School Experience -- Goals and Challenges:

i started my "official" career path this year... my immediate goals will be to continue excelling (whether validated by grades or otherwise) in my academic pursuits, and to establish myself in the community... i hope i can secure a challenging position this summer and thereby gain some experience and practical legal skills... some friends have suggested that i keep my success on the "lowdown" as i've managed to intimidate and/or irk some colleagues at school, so i'll remember to play it smart as well...

overall, i have a fairly clear idea of what i need to focus on and accomplish in the coming year... i want to make a sincere (and ultimately successful) effort at not repeating the mistakes of these past 12 months (i.e. getting caught up in the trivial, the inconsequential, and the pedantic)... more importantly, i am "resolving" on not having to re-solve the same problems, but to continue to grow as a person and a human being... looking back, this was truly an incredible year of revelations... about life... about myself... both to myself and to others... appropriately enough, mike's catchphrase is the best way to sum it all up: "what more can you ask in 2004?"


Current mood: pensive
Current music: Auld Lang Syne


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