sliced bread #2

Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

simple pleasures...


went out with the boys last night... i was told that, "of all the people here, you're the one in most need to let loose tonight"... so we did... sort of... not that i haven't been out over the past few weekends anyway... it's been a forced distraction as of late... but again, when you're out with friends, it all makes for a fun time... note to self: vodka that tastes like water is bad!

and yet soooooo good... ha ha...

new idea for a corporate slogan:
"McD's breakfast: the ultimate cure for a hangover"

i can't believe eruco got in w/o getting checked and *I* got ID'ed!!!

wait... that's a good thing... i still look fresh at 22 =)

well, despite wasting half the day sleeping off the buzz, i still managed to get stuff done... i think i've found my new "moment of zen" activity: shopping for fruit... there's just something about inhaling the sweet scent and seeing the vibrant colours and feeling the funky textures of the produce aisle that... i dunno... makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... never mind that they were playing xmas music already =)

i don't know when i'm gonna manage to write 80+ cards...

*hums "Little Drummer Boy"*



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