sliced bread #2

Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

what is truth?


"Truth is a kind of belief that has become a condition of life." --- Nietzsche, Will to Power

David Atkins has written a great parody of the Speech from the Presidential Throne. In addition, the brilliant minds at the Daily Show have once again taken to task America's mainstream media for its "velvet hands" approach to the Bush administration: watch the clip as the "fake" news show delivers the truth and investigates the [mis]information age, the art of the lying, and consequences. For me, this echoes my previous ramblings on deceit as the worst vice, albeit in a different context. In this age of doublethink and relative moralism, where up is down and two plus two equals five and torture isn't necessarily torture, "what is truth?" may not be a purely rhetorical question. Maybe Shakespeare was right: there is nothing good or bad; only thinking makes it so.



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