let's just get this over with...
“I have no intention of allowing a Conservative motion to be a bargaining
chip in a Parliamentary poker game.” -- Stephen Harper (Nov. 8, 2005)
chip in a Parliamentary poker game.” -- Stephen Harper (Nov. 8, 2005)
excuse me, Mr. Harper, but even though I'm never one to use emotive invective, I have to say that you, sir, are a political coward... after months -- nay, almost a year -- of posturing and political huffing-and-puffing, of being a downright abrasive and completely partisan power-hungry Opposition Leader, you now decide that you're not going to put your money where your mouth is? if you really believe, in principle, that it's "Liberal corruption" and not your own designs on 24 Sussex that warrant the toppling of this government, then you would do it at the earliest opportunity -- which, by all accounts is as soon as next week, given Mr. Layton's and Mr. Martin's recent comments... technicalities, schmechnicalities... i don't buy your nonsense about wanting the government to fall "the old-fashioned way"... bottom line, you're sitting on the fence because you have no agenda (other than to be Prime Minister) and you're still hedging your bets about the outcome of the inevitable election... or maybe you don't want to be the one to ruin Christmas with electioneering?
honestly, dude, just get it over with... i'm sick of your whining...
honestly, dude, just get it over with... i'm sick of your whining...
At 11:02 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Harper doesn't have the votes to win a Conservative-led confidence motion. He tried that in the spring, based (as it would be now) on Layton's apparent outrage, and fell on his face when Layton cut a last-minute deal. Once bitten, twice shy. Most agree it's the NDP's move this time around.
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