Canada Votes 2006
The Issues (according to the CBC, but in the order that I've ranked them):

"The penalty for refusing to participate in politics is that
you end up being governed by your inferiors." — Plato
you end up being governed by your inferiors." — Plato
The Issues (according to the CBC, but in the order that I've ranked them):
- Parliamentary Reform
- Foreign Aid
- The Future of Federalism
- Healthcare Funding
- Taxes
- Economic Growth
- National Security
- Defence Spending
- Gun Control
- Employment Insurance
- Child Care
- Farming
unfortunately, no one's yet been talking much about the environment, poverty, Aboriginal issues, aid and foreign policy, or education... the irony of the outcome of this quiz — and perhaps more an unfortunate effect of a singular vote, the first-past-the-post system, and the fact that there are many nuances in one's personal values that can't be perfectly captured by party politics — is that i'm volunteering for the local Liberal candidate... despite generally agreeing with the NDP's platform, i don't see standing behind the Liberals as too much of a personal conflict, if at all, given that i have a high regard for Ignatieff and i definitely believe that we need more people like him in politics... although i may be a card-carrying Liberal, i can still exercise independent political thought and will very likely continue to lean left on many social and economic issues...
i'll also give the devil his due... he's been running a smart campaign...
i'll also give the devil his due... he's been running a smart campaign...

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