sliced bread #2

Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not.

Thursday, September 01, 2005



well, it's been a month in the new place...
and what an interesting month it's been, to say the least...

reflecting on this and dorothy's ditty, "there's no place like home", i can't help but feel sympathy for those involved in the tragic situation in louisiana... the BBC appropriate called it a "grim diaspora"... just when the world has turned its attention from the tsunami of 2004, nature again provides us with a powerful reminder to put us in our place...

and as if this situation couldn't be more unbelievable, there are armed looters on the ground! of all the underhanded, exploitative (and morbidly waggish!) things to do... just goes to show how desperate this situation is...



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